
Since 2025

Fellow at Bonn University, Émile Durkheim Research Unit: Crisis Analysis

Since 2024

Second term as President of the “Collegium Politicum” (together with Christoph Horn)

Peer Reviewer for Synthese

Privatdozent of Political Theory and Philosophy at Universität München (LMU)

Member of the Editorial Board of “Posthuman Studies”

October 2020 – 2023

Professor of Political Theory and Philosophy at Turkish-German University Istanbul

Since 2023

Member of the European Philological Society

Member of the Advisory Board of “Schriften zur kritischen Lebenskunst” (Metzler)

President of the “Collegium Politicum”

Member of Advisory Council of “Hodges Foundation for Philosophical Orientation”

Member of the Advisory Board of “Synesis”

Since 2022

Peer Reviewer for Aither. Journal for the Study of Greek and Latin Philosophical Traditions

Peer Reviewer for Journal of Social and Political Philosophy

Peer Reviewer for Erga-Logoi. Rivista di storia, literatura, diritto e culture dell antichità

Since 2021

Member of the Advisory Board of Deliberatio. Studies in Contemporary Philosophical Challenges

Peer Reviewer for Eric Voegelin Studies: Yearbook

Peer Reviewer for Intellectual History Review

Associate Editor of Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought

Peer Reviewer for Ciceroniana On Line

Since 2020

Peer Reviewer for "Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought"

Peer Reviewer for "Kaıge. Journal of Philosophy"

2020 - 2015

Professor of Philosophy at Istanbul Şehir University

Since 2019

Member of Scientific Board of book series “Cultura e Formazione”, section philosophy (Buonanno Editore)

Co-editor of book series “Collegium Politicum” (Nomos Publishers, together with Francisco Lisi, Madrid, and Giovanni Giorgini, Bologna)

Since 2018

Peer Reviewer for “Nietzsche-Studien. Internationales Jahrbuch für die Nietzsche-Forschung”

Peer-reviewer for Dokuz Eylül University Journal of Humanities

Member of the International Advisory Board of Sofia Philosophical Review

June 18 2016

Premio Lucio Colletti, awarded in the area of Philosophy, Rome, Capitoline Hill

Since 2016

Peer Reviewer for JGRS of The Korean Society for Greco-Roman Studies

Member of the Collegium Politicum

Peer Reviewer for "Pege/Fons. Revista electrónica de estudios sobre la civilización clásica y su recepción" (OJS)

Member of Academic Advisory Board of Arkhe-logos. Journal of Philosophy

January - August 2015

Visiting Professor of Philosophy at Istanbul Şehir University

Since 2015

Peer reviewer for “Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie”

Member of Scientific Board of book series "Koinos Logos" (Casa Editrice Rocco Carabba)

Member of Scientific Board of "Etica e Politica. Rivista di filosofia"

Since 2014

Member of the Comitato Scientifico of the Journal ArteSciencia

Peer reviewer for "Journal of Nietzsche Studies"

Peer reviewer for “Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy”

Peer reviewer for “Incipiens – Zeitschrift für Erstpublikationen aus der Philosophie und ihrer Geschichte”

2014 - 2013

Visiting Professor at Boğaziçi University

Since 2013

Member of the Advisory Board of Kaıge. Journal of Philosophy (

Member of Instituto "Lucio Anneo Séneca", Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Since 2012

Member of the Board of Advisors of series "Staatsdiskurse" ed. by Rüdiger Voigt (Steiner Verlag Stuttgart)

Prospective Member of the Collegium Politicum

Member of the Jury for the Docentlik (=Associate Professorship) Exam in Philosophy

2013 - 2011

Professor of Philosophy at Fatih University, Istanbul

Since 2010/11

Peer reviewer for "Zeitschrift für Politik (ZfP)" and "Zeitschrift für Politische Theorie"

Since 2009

Privatdozent for Political Theory and Philosophy at University of Munich (LMU)


Habilitation and venia legendi in Political Theory and Philosophy – mentors: Prof. Julian Nida-Rümelin, Prof. Wilhelm Vossenkuhl and Prof. Peter Cornelius Mayer-Tasch

2010 - 2001

Lecturer in the field of Politics and Society at Münchner Volkshochschule


PhD in Political Science, Philosophy and History (grade 0,65). Dissertation title: Theodor W. Adorno. Ethik als erste Philosophie

2008 - 1999

Lecturer in Political Theory and Philosophy at Geschwister-Scholl-Institut for Political Science of the University of Munich

2019 - 1998

Lecturer in Political Theory at the Munich School of Political Science

Since 1998

Editor and co-publisher of Widerspruch. Münchner Zeitschrift für Philosophie

Since 1997

Tutor in Political Theory and Philosophy at Geschwister-Scholl-Institut for Political Science of the University of Munich

1996 - 1998

University studies in Philosophy, Political Science and History at the University of Munich (LMU): MA (grade 1, 00)